Thursday, December 21, 2006

Wake up!

First off, she who goes on 4 hours of sleep every night for the last month or so is bound to have it come back to bite her in the you know where. Went to bed last night at 2:45 am and when the alarm went off this morning, guess who did not even hear it go off. Thats right, slept right through it! My sister had to come and shake me awake. My sister - you know, the girl who sleeps through the smoke detectors going off in the middle of the night without even making the slightest stir and does not even hear her own alarm clock go off. Nice, real nice! Suffice it to say, I finally managed to wake up and roll out of bed and get ready for work. Had me one of those extra large coffee drinks please and thank you.

Work is busy and I have a ton of paperwork to do despite the fact that one of our articling students told me today that my desk looked like it was cleaned off. He obviously has a different definition of clean desk than I do. Okay, making a mental note, these files do need to be cleared off before I break for Christmas.

That brings me to my next issue. I am so behind on my christmas shopping. I am really trying not to focus on the fact that I have 4 days left. Anyway, I went shopping after work today. Despite the fact that it was a madhouse, I was struggling with all my enormous purchases, was pushed and shoved, stepped on, and went without dinner, I am pleased that I managed to get most of it done. I have a few more items to get (oh dear please do not send me back into the malls), I can start the wrapping stage. I am usually done by mid December but with all the work at the office and getting stuff done for the store, time just went right by me. Now I have to deal with it. I really do not know how people save all of their shopping done for the very last minute. I would go nuts!!! Hope everyone else has been doing a lot better than I have.

Thank you to all for checking in with me. Thanks for the offer Melissa, I will be calling upon you for your excellent services once I complete my 5 posts. That is very sweet of you. I still have lots to learn about this all as you can all see from my lack of blog organization. I think I have rambled on quite enough for today and as you can see, I apparently do not feel that I have to go to bed at a decent hour again tonight. LOL

Goodnight John Boy.


Anonymous said...

hahahahaha! Keep up the good work my girl!

Denise said...

Elia my friend! So glad to see you blogging. Now I have a way to keep track of the goings-ons in your life. Good to hear you've conquered your Christmas shopping but keep in mind that the majority of shoppers seem to be MEN in the last day or two. Are you sure you don't just need to pick up another thing or two? ;)

Amy said...

You are a far braver woman than I to be venturing out in these last shopping days before CHristmas. I went to the grocery store last night and nearly had to fight for my place in the deli line!! apparently it's a fierce time getting shaved chicken!! LMBO!

Hope you're able to relax soon and enjoy some well deserved time off!!

Heather said...

Awe a new blog to stalk. Hope you get your shopping done and come out alive.