Thursday, January 18, 2007

My baby is home!

Well Spot is back home. I missed her terribly. She seems to be doing well and is even playful. Yeah!!!

I received the cutest purse with some toys for Spot and a card today from Karen who is on the Nook board. We have some very thoughtful and generous members on our board. Just the fact that she was thinking of me and Spot means so much. She is a very sweet lady.

Work has been busy and still working away on the online store with Patti. We are slowly getting there and are hoping to have the online store launch on Saturday. How exciting!!! Another great part is that I could hopefully grab a few extra hours of sleep and put an end to my neck and shoulder pains. Who would have thought that working on these items on the computer could cause so much suffering. LOL

Lastly, I lost another 5 lbs this week for a total of 10. I am really thrilled that all my efforts are paying off. I hope to keep the losing streak going. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Good night folks.


Teresa (aka tmom) said...

So glad Spot is home!

Huge congrats on the weight loss, that is so awesome!

Anonymous said...

Welcome home Spottie! Glad things went well and I am sure she'll be her regular self in no time at all!

lacintha said...

Yay on the weight loss Flip...way to go! And yay on kittie coming home...

Crystal said...

Awesome on the "lbs. off" project - way to go, Girl!!!!!!!

Amy said...

Hoooray for spot being home! So glad to hear all went well!! :) And you are doing so fabulously with the weight loss!! keep it up girly!!!

Kim Sanderson said...

I'm so glad that Spot is home and getting back to herself!! hugs Spot!!

Marina said...

Glad to hear Spot is home with you!!!

Congrats on the weightloss WAY TO GO!!!!

Heather said...

Awesome news on the weight loss and wahoo on the store.

Hope Spot is recovering well.